Tuesday 6 September 2016

Until We Meet Again…

Life goes on. It never ceases to flow, always changing directions, it takes you to places unvisited and bring you experiences unexplored, till one day it finally stops. As seemingly incessant as it is, life does have its ebbs. None more so than while saying good bye, to something or someone you hold close to your heart. Every time that happens, it leaves an empty space within you, like a void, constantly reminding you that something is missing. Every time that you have had to walk away, you seem to lose some small part of yourself as well.

You may not be aware of that side to you, till you are in the presence of people you hold dear or at a place special to you. The things you do then and the words you speak to those people are not things that you would normally say or do. These are thoughts and feelings that you hold back, and only share with people you are truly comfortable with. And these are the people with whom you can let your guard down and freely divulge your deepest fears and darkest secrets without being judged or questioned. You are free to speak your mind and show your true self to these people, and be accepted for who you are. The bonds you have with them are special and these bonds leave an indelible mark in their life and yours. You wish that these people would stay in your life, now and for the foreseeable future. But life doesn’t always work that way.

Whatever plans you may have for yourself, life has its own plans for you too. You may want to settle down in California, but life could take you to Singapore. You may have wanted to take a trip to Canada, but life gives you a Coldplay concert instead. In place of a cold American winter, you could enjoy a tropical Indian monsoon. You could be munching down tangy pani puri, on a day you thought you would be devouring a delicious cheesecake. The roads you go on may not be the roads you wanted to go on, but that doesn’t make it any less of an adventure. And with every new road you take, each new journey, it is inevitable that you would have to bid adieu to the one you are on now. As painful as it may be, you have to say goodbye and move on.

You can’t keep all the people close to you in your life forever, but you can always look back fondly at the memories that you have with them. The trips that you have made together, the late night drunken parties and all the time you have spent listening to their hilarious stories or debating over their harebrained theories are things you can reminisce and laugh out loud at. You may even miss spending the whole night playing board games or watching movies, usually with a drink in one hand and a slice of cake or ice cream in the other. All the plans that you had made and the schemes that you had cooked up, even those which never came to fruition, was still time well spent, as it was spent in the company of friends. You may never have times like these again, but no one can take those memories from you.

As you bid farewell to the people who were with you on your journey, you also realize that every person has a unique way of saying goodbye. Some may cry their eyes out while others would keep making jokes and nudge you to go faster till the very end. Then there are those who help you plan your journey ahead to the last detail and there may even be some who write about the whole thing as a way of saying goodbye. No matter how they say good bye, you can rest assured knowing that all of them want the best for you and genuinely hope that the journey ahead of you is even better than the one behind. Your journey may take you away from them now, but who knows, your paths may cross again one day!